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Chicory and Dandelions

A watercolor painting of blue "succory" (another name for chicory) and yellow dandelion flowers.
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Title Page

A title page that indicates that Mary Doane, referred to as Mrs. Seth Doane, left this work to Charles W. Doane on August 22, 1894 in Crete, Nebraska.
Xyris Flexuosa, Common Spiderwort Tradescantia Virginiana, and Spiderwort Tradescantia Rosea

A watercolor painting of a Xyris Flexuosa, a Common Spiderwort Tradescantia Virginiana, and a Spiderwort Tradescantia Rosea. The xyris flexousa was…
Bifolia, Biflorum, and Lily of the Valley

A watercolor painting of a Bifolia, a Biflorum, and a Lily of the Valley. The written notation by the lily of the valley indicates that it was sent…
Showy Orchid Spectabilis and Green Large-Leafed Plant

A watercolor painting of a showy orchid spectabilis and a green large-leafed plant. The written notation by the showy orchid spectabilis indicates…
Maritima, Gerardia Purpurea, and Gerardia

A watercolor painting of a Maritima, a Gerardia Purpurea, and a Gerardia. The maritima was sent from Eastham, MA and was painted in Septmenr 5, 1891.…